Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoe prostranstvo regionov
Created by the editorial staff of Sochi State University Scientific Periodicals
Russian (CIS)
English (United Kingdom)

№3, September 30, 2018

1. Feng Anquan
Study on Russian Immigration Issues
Number of views: 630      Download in PDF

2. Aleksander V. Dyachenko
Metatheory of the Art of Hospitality
Number of views: 615      Download in PDF

3. Tat'yana P. Levchenko
Problems of Development of the Market of Tourist Services in Terms of Digital Economy
Number of views: 643      Download in PDF

4. Elena A. Lisova
Customer-Centeredness is an Indicator of Competitiveness of an Auto Service Company
Number of views: 739      Download in PDF

5. Elena V. Onishchenko
Russian Recreation and Tourism Industry: Retrospective Analysis of Development (1990–2017)
Number of views: 606      Download in PDF

6. Yulia V. Razvadovskaya, Kristina S. Rudneva
Evaluation of the Institutional Conditions for the Development of Territorial-Production Systems of the Russian Economy
Number of views: 628      Download in PDF

7. Nadezhda K. Serdyukova, Dmitriy A. Serdyukov
Excursion Service Quality Improving in the Transition to Digital Economy
Number of views: 593      Download in PDF

8. Elena E. Sinyavskaya
Modern Financial Technologies – Problems and Prospects
Number of views: 593      Download in PDF

9. Elena Yu. Tugolukova
Mechanisms of Advance of the Sphere of Tourism of the Republic of Crimea on the Principles of Digital Economy
Number of views: 621      Download in PDF

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