Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoe prostranstvo regionov
Created by the editorial staff of Sochi State University Scientific Periodicals
Russian (CIS)
English (United Kingdom)

№4, December 17, 2016

Articles and Statements

1. Anna О. Balabanova, Anton N. Borodin
SMART-Specialization, as a Strategic Approach to the Economic Development of the Territory
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2. Alla Y. Baranova
The Financial Architecture of the Municipality (on the Example of Sochi City)
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3. Nadezhda A. Keschyan, Roman I. Smetanyuk
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Modern Information Technologies in the Activities of Municipal Institutions of Secondary Education
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4. Nataliya S. Matyushchnko, Boris V. Makarenko
Improvement of Municipal Management in Recreation Sphere in the Territory of Inner City Areas
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5. Galina M. Romanova, Irina I. Ukraintseva, Nataliya I. Neskoromnykh, Anna L. Khovyakova
The Purchasing Behavior of Adult Consumers of Educational Services on the Market of Professional and Personal Development Programs
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6. Vladimir N. Sharafutdinov
About New Structural Vision of Tourist Research Space
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7. Dmitrii Yu. Stolyarov, Irina Yu. Stolyarova
The Modern Development Trends in Online Sales of the Tourist Products
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8. Sergey M. Romanov, Konstantin G. Tomilin
Second All-Russian Scientifically-Practical Conference: «Tourism: Hospitality, Sport, Industry of the Feeding»
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9. Sergey M. Romanov, Konstantin G. Tomilin
All-Russian Scientifically-Practical Conference: «Youth Athletics and Athletics-Sanitary Tourism»
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