Социально-экономическое пространство регионов
Создан редакцией научных периодических изданий Сочинского государственного университета
Russian (CIS)
English (United Kingdom)

№1, 25 марта 2017

Articles and Statements

1. Valerii D. Andreev
The Developing of Internal Control Policy as the Main Instrument for Improving the Effectiveness of the Organization
Просмотров: 855      Загрузить в pdf

2. Ensar Mekić, M. Sait Dinç
Effects of ISO 9001 Effectiveness on Financial Performance of Exporting Companies: Review and a Proposed Model
Просмотров: 876      Загрузить в pdf

3. Arina V. Nikishova, Vladlena S. Oladko
Information Protection System as a Tool to Maintain the Competitiveness of Enterprises
Просмотров: 927      Загрузить в pdf

4. Vladlena S. Oladko, Ekaterina A. Vitenburgh, Anna I. Pushkarskaya
Management of Security Incidents in the Information System as a Means of Reducing Economic Loss
Просмотров: 924      Загрузить в pdf

5. Alena A. Petrochenko
Labor Migration in the Eurasian Economic Union
Просмотров: 886      Загрузить в pdf

6. Anna I. Runaeva, Lyudmila A. Voronina
Forming of Property Management Tools in Tourism-Recreation Cluster
Просмотров: 841      Загрузить в pdf

7. Tatyana V. Saleeva, Dmitry V. Finkin, Julia N. Fridrich
Competitive Advantages and Investment Attractiveness of the Resort-Recreational Complex of Krasnodar Region
Просмотров: 846      Загрузить в pdf

8. Ekaterina D. Urazovskaya, Sergey M. Romanov
Specificity of Advertising Activities in the Regional Tourism Market (based on the Example of Sochi)
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9. Alexander B. Zdorov, Lachin S. Pashayev
Program Management of Development of Agrotourist Activities in the Region
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