Социально-экономическое пространство регионов
Создан редакцией научных периодических изданий Сочинского государственного университета
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English (United Kingdom)

Рейтинг статей журнала

АвторНазвание статьиГод, номерКоличество скачиваний
1Diana S. TimoshenkoGenesis, Challenges and Applications of Medical Tourism in the Voronezh Region, Russian Federation2020, December532
2Maria S. RybyantsevaThe Applying of the Standard Deviation in a Controlling System2021, March385
3Dinara Y. JakupovaManagement Efficiency as a Socio-Economic Category2021, March377
4Alla Yu. Baranova, Polina GasparyanCybercrime in the Financial Sphere2021, March370
5Marina V. Rossinskaya, Larisa A. KamenskayaThe Need to Improve the Transport Infrastructure of the Krasnodar Krai2021, March369
6Svetlana V. Dusenko, Margarita E. BelomestnovaScience Week – 2021 at the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism2021, March368
7Boris A. ErmakovMedical Tourism as a Component of the Health Care National Project2020, December365
8Irina V. Kravtsova, Yulia N. KovalovaDigitalization of Insurance in the Era of COVID-192021, March363
9Nadezhda K. Serdyukova, Valentina P. Kalinina, Dmitriy A. SerdyukovDevelopment of Gastronomic Tourism as a Factor in Increasing Tourist Flow to the Destination2020, December360
10Nadezhda A. Keschyan, Anna O. Balabanova, Arutyun Z. ZeytunyanResearch of Municipal Management in the Field of Architecture, Improvement, and Sanitary Maintenance of the District2020, December357
11Vladimir I. Shapovalov, Guram O. DarakchyanThe Quality Assessment of Professional Education in the Tourist Destination of Sochi2021, March351
12Elena N. Klochko, Victoria N. Mukha, Lidia V. KovalenkoSocio-Economic Aspects of Ethnicity in the Economic Space of the Region2021, March347
13Boris A. ErmakovMeeting of the Recreation and Tourism Scientific and Industry Section within the National Projects and the Professorial Community Professorial Forum – 20202020, December344
14Elena N. Klochko, Victoria N. MukhaEthno-Entrepreneurship as a Resource of a Multi-Ethnic Region2020, December343
15Evgenia V. Gordeeva, Daria V. KuksaLean Manufacturing as a Modern Management Concept: Principles and Tools2020, December337
16Yuri I. VerbinAssessment of the Use of the Labor Potential of the Sanatorium Organization for the Purpose of Its Optimal Management2021, March337
17Cover2021, March335
18Ani G. ArakelyanDevelopment of Tourism in the World and National Experience of Implementing Cluster Initiatives2020, December334
19Marina V. Rossinskaya, Julia V. Sliva-ShcherbaOrganizational Culture as a Factor in the Formation of Innovative Activity of Tourist and Health Complexes2021, March332
20Yuri I. Verbin, Elena К. VorobeyKrasnodar Regional Public Organization of the Free Economic Society of Russia: Results in the year of the 255th Anniversary of the VEO of Russia2020, December331
21V.A. YanyushkinCurrent Trends in the Small and Medium-Sized Business Lending Market in Russia2021, March329
22Elena S. TsepilovaResort Tax in the Russian Federation – Results and Prospects of a Tax Experiment2021, March328
23Natalia I. Rekhter, Tatyana Yu. AnopchenkoUsing Social Network Sites in Healthcare Management: Opportunities and Challenges2020, December315
24Abidemi C. Adegboye, Mohammed OseniFiscal Management and Commodity Price Fluctuation in Sub-Sahara Africa2021, June308
25Alexey D. Chudnovskiy, Michael M. HamburgEducational Tourism: Problems and Prospects of Development2021, June305
26Mikhail V. Grechko, Veronika S. VlasovaApplication of System Analysis Methodology for Research of Critical Unstable Conditions in Hospitality Industry2021, June302
27Alla Yu. Baranova, Syuzanna Teknedzhyan The Remote Banking Services in Russia: Problems and Development Prospects2021, June300
28Vyacheslav A. Lepeshkin, Valentina S. TreskovaIsrael-Target Market for Efforts to Restore Inbound Tourist Traffic to Sochi Resorts2021, June298
29Oksana V. MarkovaThe Objects of Cultural Heritage in the Hospitality Industry of Volgo2021, June298
30Blerim Dragusha, Mic UkajTheoretical Framework on Effectiveness of E-Recruitment on Human Resource Management2021, June294

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